About Us
After finding the love of my life, getting married and living a life full of comforts...I forgot all about exercise and a proper diet and it came with terrible consequences.
I was left more than 50 pounds overweight and with a condition called asthma at 7 months pregnant. After surviving an asthma attack that almost took my life and digging my way out of a financial collapse, I was inspired to create a community that would serve the needs of millions of women in the world who like me, are seeking a healthy life.
Hello my name is Ingrid Macher, I am an expert in holistic nutrition, NLP master coach (neuro linguistic programming) certified personal trainer, mother of two beautiful daughters, the founder of IM Fit Store and your best ally.
I've spent years learning what works and does not work in a healthy & fit life and I am very happy to share with you all my secrets of how I recovered my health & fitness.
If you've ever wanted to do the same, NOW is your chance! I created a line of supplements with the highest quality standards for you so that you will have the best tools when starting this journey.
My passion is to help people change their lives and you can be one of them.
XOXO - Ingrid Macher
IM Products
This product line was conceived with the firm intention of providing all women the tools to be beautiful holistically.
Our products have been designed by a group of expert doctors with over 30 years experience in health and nutrition.
All our products are manufactured under high quality standards to ensure the purity of its natural ingredients.
Each product was designed for a specific need and to improve symptoms that affect quality of life of our customers.
The ingredients that are used in our product line IM, have studies supporting their effectiveness.
Plants, roots and herbs with healing & health properties are the main active ingredients of all IM supplements.
Nature is the protagonist of each and every one of the IM products.
Our line of supplements is free of additives and fillers, which provide security and satisfaction to those who consume them.